Thursday, July 26, 2012

Dominican Travels

This past weekend I could be found lounging in the sun with beverage in hand on the sandy beaches of Punta Cana.  My dear friend Tony and his awesome girl Holly tied the knot in what will go down as one of the best weddings I've ever been to.  The weather was humid, hot and wonderful.  The drinks were plentiful.  The wedding was intimate, gorgeous, and super sweet.  The food, well, the food wasn't my favorite part.  But I'm not going to complain (any more than I already have) because it would diminish the awesome time I had down there.  It was so much fun catching up with some of my favorite people in the world that I don't get to see often enough.  I spent the whole weekend laughing.  And relaxing.  I haven't been that relaxed, especially for a wedding, in a long time.  Sometimes all you need is just a few days away from your phone and computer.  It was really nice to cut off communication with the outside world for a few days and just enjoy the present company and surroundings.  I wouldn't want to do that for any longer than I did, but nevertheless, it was awesome.  So without further ado, here are some of my favorite pics from the weekend. There's a lot of them...sorry!

Adam and Wells

Lobby lights (I can't take credit for actually taking this photo, but I was going to do the same thing, I swear)

Nalice (who was my cheerleading coach at LCHS, now dating my friend) and True

Tony, Wells, and Adam

Tony, Wells, Holly, and Adam

I have a problem with sticking my tongue out at the camera.  Apparently, I have the maturity of a 6 year old.

And also a problem with sticking my finger in gross things, like Adam's nose

Look at the camera!!!

Three of my favorite people, all in one place.  Usually only happens at Christmas.  Come home more, Adam (and bring your brother)!!!

First kiss!!!

I can not begin to explain how much fun this trip was, as well as how wonderful it was to witness two awesome friends begin their life together as husband and wife.   Till next time!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Mary's Wedding Shower

This weekend Courtney, Rachel and I hosted a shower for our friend Mary.  She's getting married in a little over a month, and we're all getting really excited!!!  We all decided that a mimosa bar would be a fun way to celebrate.  I also decided on a pink and green theme.  I made pink and green bunting to hang and we used an array of pink and green labels, plates, napkins and silverware.  It turned out really cute!!!  Mary got some great gifts and everyone loved all the food and drinks!  I think that every recipe that we used, with the exception of my chicken salad, was a Pinterest idea.  That site is so addictive!  Here's a look at how things turned out:

Watermelon with Feta and Mint

Fruit Iced Cookies

Tomato, Green Onion and Feta Dip...a huge hit and super easy!

No Bake Cake Balls

Chicken Salad on Hawaiian Sweet Rolls

Allison and Sarah

Alison, Sarah, Julie, Kara

All in all we had a great time planning and celebrating!  I can't wait for the wedding, it's going to be a blast!

Fourth of July and My Annual 22nd Birthday

Fourth of July has always been one of my favorite holidays for a couple reasons.  One, it's in the middle of summer.  Two, it means my birthday is four days away.  Three, it gives me an excuse to wear navy and red (I don't know what my excuse is every other day of the year).  And last, but not least, I love America.  'Merica, f**k yeah!

This year I spent Fourth of July Eve in Louisville with friends at Waterfront Park for an outdoor concert.  I actually have no idea who was playing, but I know it was a country band.  I don't care for most country music, but I was there for the company, not the music.

On the actual Fourth of July, I headed downtown to meet friends and revel in all the festivities.  The streets were blocked off, and despite the ridiculously hot temperatures, people were everywhere.  We had a blast just relaxing and catching up.  I ran into an old friend from high school and got to catch up with him for awhile, so it was definitely worth the heat!

Mary, David, and Sarah  

 Later that night, we walked over to Shriner's to watch the Idle Hour fireworks.  They were great!  There's just something about fireworks that makes me feel all nostalgic inside.  When the fireworks ended, we headed home and I promptly went to bed.  I was worn out!

David and Mary

Crappy iPhone photo...why didn't I bring my real camera???

Fast forward to Saturday night...  I went back to Louisville to have lunch with my mom and brother for our birthdays.  My mom's birthday is the day before mine.  We had a nice lunch at North End Cafe and finished off the celebration with gifts at the house.  I really shouldn't call it a celebration because we didn't really make a fuss over it.  I pretty much boycotted my birthday this year since I'm not exactly thrilled about turning twenty-two (ahem) plus nine.

Later that night, I went out on the town for a bit with my friend Alison.  We were pretty low key and didn't end up staying out terribly late, but we had fun regardless!  Saturday night soon turned into Sunday morning and I headed back to Lexington to get ready for my birthday dinner with my closest Lexington friends.

Courtney and John

Adam and Kate

Steven, Jamie, Robbie, Adam, and Kate

Dinner was at Grey Goose, and since it was my birthday I broke my diet and ordered pizza.  Cheese pizza is one of my greatest joys in life and being on Weight Watchers tends to curb my addiction.  It was totally worth it, though!

Following dinner, we headed out for a few drinks at McCarthy's.  I had one of the most awkward experiences of my life there, but that's not a story for public sharing.  We didn't stay out late since it was a "school night."  I think I was in bed by 11:30.  I guess that's what happens when you're thirty-one.  Ugh, actually seeing that number in print makes it a little too real.  I don't think I'm going to do that again.  Twenty-two plus nine!  Much better.

Despite the actual aging thing, I had a pretty good, low key birthday.  Thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate, called, texted, sent cards, and posted Facebook messages.  Y'all really know how to make a girl feel special!

Monday, July 2, 2012

It's too hot to play outside...

This weekend was just about the most unbearable weekend we've had in awhile.  Temperatures were in the 100 degree range.  That means no fun times on the deck for me.  I hate being indoors in the summer, but I welcomed the cool air conditioned house after just a few minutes in the heat.  Needless to say, I didn't do much this weekend.

Friday after work, I picked up Riley from the vet where he had his semi-annual check up and annual teeth cleaning.  They have to put dogs under anesthesia to clean their teeth, so he's always a little loopy when I bring him home.  When we got home from the vet, he kind of just walked around in circles with a dopey look in his eye for most of the night.  It did provide me the opportunity to take some good shots of him sleeping.  Usually, as soon as I get out the camera, he wakes up and starts licking my face!

Saturday was pretty uneventful, too.  I did have breakfast at Great Bagel with Courtney, which was absolutely delicious!  I wish they would stay open later than 3:00 pm.  Sometimes I want breakfast bagels for dinner!!!  Later that night, Courtney, Mary, Sarah and I went to Ramsey's and 6th Street Brewery.

The beer is pretty darn good!  We each had a flight of four of their beers from the wheat down to the IPA.  The wheat was, of course, my favorite!  I really liked the amber as well.  The IPA is a bit too hoppy for me. On Sunday, I pretty much slept in and laid around the house until the late afternoon.  That evening Courtney and I shared a peach champagne that we both wanted to try from Trader Joe's.  Did I mention that Lexington finally got a Trader Joe's???  I'm so excited!!!  Anyway, we had both seen this sparkling peach wine on a blog we read, Carolina Charm.  It's very low calorie (only one point for two glasses) and sounded delicious with fresh peach cubes added.

This drink did not disappoint!  It was refreshing and delicious!  We added ice since it wasn't cold enough to drink yet, but I think it was good to cut some of the sweetness.  I forgot to buy a spring of mint to use as garnish and a hint of flavor, but it was just fine without!  I highly recommend!

That's all I have for now!  Happy Monday!