But there is something I need to come clean about... I'm a scarf junkie. I have a serious problem. But the first step is admitting you have a problem, right? So I'm taking that step. Without further ado, my scarf collection...
I know, it's ridiculous. So ridiculous that you can't even see all the scarves because they're covered up with other scarves. I told you I have a problem. And don't even talk to me about the shoes in the background. That only shows the tip of the iceberg, the other 3/4 are in another closet. But I digress...
Riley is thinking "Seriously, Mom, enough with the shopping."
So anyway, this post is coming across as way too superficial, but my point was to hold myself accountable for my addiction and to quit pinning cute outfits on Pinterest that lead to shopping. And now you all are my witnesses. So next time I tell you "I'm looking for something to go with blah, blah, blah," interrupt me! Tell me no! Remove my debit card from my wallet! (Hahahaha, good luck with that...) But really, just be my friend and tell me that I don't need anything else to put in my closet. Not that I have the room. Old houses are notorious for having small closets...
So on that note, I'm off to decorate for Halloween (another great part of fall)! I've got to get it done tonight because this weekend is going to be crazy, off the hook, insanity! Stay tuned for details! Happy weekend!