Moving to Louisville was something I never would have chosen. I begged my mother at the age of 16 to find a job in Lexington so I could finally live in the same city where my high school and friends were. When that didn't work, I begged her to let me stay in Frankfort (a town I wanted to leave since the age of 7, because it didn't have a mall) and live with my dad. But alas, come August of 1997, I was a Louisville resident.
I never thought that in moving to Louisville (and spending all my weekends in Lexington), I would meet a couple of girls that would turn out to be some of my best friends. Certainly not replacing my Lexington friends, but adding to my group of what has become some of the closest people in my life. As mad as my 16 year old self was at my mother, I'm so glad that she forced me into a city that I swore I never would go back to.
Never say never, I guess. In the past few years, as life really started moving forward, I've noticed a big part of me has been missing. My family, more specifically Will. I simply cannot be away from my little brother any longer and be able to provide the kind of support he will need later in life. I need to be in his daily life, and I need him in mine.
Location is not what determines where your home is, it's the people in your close proximity that make it so. My place is with them, and it looks like majority rules with Louisville.
I hate leaving my girls in Lexington. I honestly don't know how I'm going to get by not being able to walk around the corner to Courtney's. I don't know how I'm going to deal without patio drinks with Kate on a weekly basis. Or any of the other things that are so impromptu and unplanned with my friends that I cherish so much. Adjustments will be made. Drives down I-64 will be frequent. Phone calls will be longer.
I know now is the time to make the move, with Will transitioning into his adulthood, work bringing me to Louisville more frequently, and me not having started a family. It needed to happen now, I just never expected it to happen so quick.
So without further ado, farewell, my dear Lexington, my wonderful house and neighborhood. And farewell, Charming in Chevy Chase. Hello, St. Matthews and may I formally introduce St. Matthew's Style (still under construction)! Keep your guest rooms clean, I'll be back soon!