Thursday, January 31, 2013

We have reached the winter of our [dis]content

This is the view from the office entrance this morning.  Very pretty and serene.  With that pretty and serene setting comes boredom.  Winter is very slow for us here in the construction world and it gives us plenty of time to get to all those projects and vacations we're too busy to take on during the busy season.  I, on the other hand, have done absolutely nothing in the way of getting some of my projects done.  I'm redecorating my office at home and have yet to get around to actually painting the room.  Last weekend I went as far as to get the paint out of the garage and put it in the house so it could come to room temperature.  I felt like that was a big enough accomplishment for the time being.  You could say that I'm something of a procrastinator.  Anyway, so hopefully sometime in the next month, I'll get that bad boy painted the lovely grey color I've picked.  Or maybe I'll just hire a painter.

On the plus side of my procrastination in painting, I have rekindled my love of reading.  I started the Game of Thrones series some time last spring and got stuck somewhere in the middle of the second book.  I'm happy to say that I'm now in the middle of the third book and plowing through that with my usual gusto that has me finishing books in one evening.  I like to think that I am responsible for keeping printing houses in business.  I haven't quite gotten on board with the whole e-book thing yet.  I really enjoy flipping an actual page.  It's somehow soothing to me.

I've also finally started catching up on my Netflix queue.  I'm currently watching the nip/tuck series based on a recommendation from Courts. It's very addictive, extremely dark, and quite gruesome.  I love it!  I can only watch a few episodes at a time, though.  Too many hours of that show, and you start feeling a bit creepy.

So, that's what I've been up to.  Holing up in my house with a mug of tea, reading and watching television.  Sounds pretty lame, but I couldn't be more satisfied.  It's nice to take a break from going out for a month or so.  Plus, it's too damn cold to leave the house!

I'll leave you with my favorite picture from the internet today.  I'm not an Obama supporter by any means, but I think his wife has great style.  This quote was all too easy to relate to!  Happy Thursday!

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