Monday, February 18, 2013

Cupcakes, champagne, and closets, oh my!

I have had the worst sugar/chocolate cravings lately, so I've been trolling Pinterest for some of the best Weight Watcher's recipes that can kill those cravings without killing my diet.  I thought I found one the other day.  It was easy, delicious, and the pin said it was only two points!  Score!  I tried it out last Thursday and was delighted to find that they were extremely tasty!

The recipe only called for these three ingredients (cake mix, pumpkin puree, and chocolate chips).  Mix, pour, bake!  Easy as can be!

Bake at 350 (I always up it to 375 since my oven is old and slow as molasses).

These are actually the finished product, the cupcakes don't rise or flatten out.  Kind of weird looking, but still yummy!  After eating the first one, I thought that there was no way that these were only two points.  They were way too chocolaty and delicious.  Well, I was right.  I plugged the recipe into the recipe builder on WW, and they calculated to 6 points per cupcake.  So much for a low point alternative.  I knew it was too good to be true.  But it didn't stop me from eating a few this weekend.  Speaking of this weekend, would you like to know what I did?  Or more specifically, what I drank?  Well, here you go!

Courtney came over Friday night for a couple of hours and we had some champagne cocktails. I modified this off a pin I saw that called for pear puree instead of peach.  I couldn't find any pear at the liquor store near my house and I didn't feel like driving anywhere else, so this is what we ended up with.  I've decided to name it "Sex in the Champagne Room," since it's kind of like a Sex on the Beach with champers.  Pretty decent.  I'll definitely have it again.  Especially since I have this giant bottle of peach puree now.

Here's the breakdown on amounts:

Sex in the Champagne Room

One oz. peach puree
One half ounce cranberry cocktail
Fill the rest of the flute with champagne 


Very pretty, don't you think?

This weekend, I also went a bit crazy with organizing my closets and purging the house of stuff that needs to either be stored until I hold a garage sale or put in the garage.  This is what the office closet looked like before three trips to Target for storage bins, the proper fitting lids (don't even get me started on that story), and a few hours of organizing and sorting.

Much better, don't you think?  That's not a great shot of the closet, but it's impossible to get a picture of the whole thing.  There is another column of storage bins to the left of the one you see above.  Total, there are nine bins in there with a space on the right for items that wouldn't fit or are used too often to store.  Eventually we are going to put a shelving system in there so you don't have to pull all the bins out to get to one at the bottom, but that's a project for a different day.

This wasn't the only closet I tackled on Sunday, either.  I managed to completely overhaul both closets in my bedroom, the hall closet, the bar cart, underneath the bathroom sink, and the corner cabinet in the family room.  Needless to say, there are a lot of boxes to go in the garage, the garbage is full, and my ex has got to come get the rest of his stuff.  It's amazing the things you find when you really dig through the dark corners and nooks and crannies.  I was amazed at some of the stuff I found (re: my journal from Europe, clothes from my mid-twenties, medicine from 2003...).  Let's just put it nicely and say that I'm a bit of a pack rat.

I can't wait to tackle the garage this spring and purge myself of all the useless stuff I've been holding onto for way too long.  As soon as the weather turns warm and stays that way, I'm having a huge yard sale.  I'll keep you posted on when so you can stop by and laugh at my fashion choices from ten years ago.  Lord knows there were some questionable pieces.  

Until next time, go clean out your closet and see what you find!

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