This weekend went by in a flash. Before I knew it, I was back here at work! Friday night, I went out for a little bit. I'm embarrassed to admit, I was in bed by 10:30. I had a lot of things that I wanted to do Saturday, so a good night's sleep was mandatory. I woke up early and headed down to Farmer's Market downtown to pick up some fresh veggies and cheese for the baby shower I was co-hosting on Sunday. It was absolutely gorgeous this weekend and I was really excited to get out there and enjoy it. Farmer's Market was packed, but I still really enjoyed it. It's one of those things I've been wanting to do for years, but never had gotten up early enough to experience. I guess now that I'm spending less time going out and partying, I'm getting enough sleep to actually function on Saturday mornings! Ha, who knew!?!
After Farmer's Market (where I also picked up two awesome necklaces, one seen below), I grabbed my friend Mary and walked over to Woodland Arts Fair. I'm lucky enough to live close by so we didn't have to fool with trying to find somewhere to park in all of the madness down there. Plus, I needed some exercise! We ran into a ton of people we know, had a beer, and perused the local vendors. I love outdoor shopping, so it was just my cup of tea! Neither of us bought anything there, but I did find a cute tee shirt dress on the way that was 50% off! Go me!

Mary, Cathy, and me. Cathy works with Mary and also sold me my fantastic house! She's awesome!
Antique air tanks used by fire fighters
Beautiful Bonsai trees...if it wasn't likely that I would kill one within a week, I would have dropped the enormous amount of cash they were asking for one. They are so cool!!!
After spending the majority of the day outside, I got home, ran some errands, cleaned the house and got ready for a night out. A friend's band was playing at Cosmic Charlie's and Kate, Adam, and I had planned on going. We met at Village Idiot for a beer, stopped by Lynagh's and then went to Cosmic. Unfortunately, Mark's band (She-male Fiesta) didn't go on until about two a.m., so we didn't get to see much of the show. After a late Saturday night, Sunday morning came early and I still had a ton of stuff to do before Andrea's baby shower. Luckily, I had hung all the decorations earlier in the week and put together a lot of the food on Saturday. I thought the decorations turned out really cute! I was pleasantly surprised at how easy the diaper cake was to put together and how cute it turned out. Sometimes I wonder if I should start a side business doing party planning. Not because I'm so awesome at it, but because I love it so much! I'm not quite sure I want to give up my weekends, though. Anyone have any thoughts? Let me know in the comments section, if you feel so inclined! I'd love to hear some feedback from outsiders!
Kate's awesome chalkboard cheese board! Also, some really awesome tasting cheese. Yum...cheese.
Fruit Salad with Mint
Turkey and Cream Cheese Pinwheels
Heirloom Tomato, Mozzarella, and Basil Salad
Cheese Tortellini, Snap Peas, and Grape Tomato Salad
The last little tidbit I have to share with y'all is this lovely little addition to my purse, an EOS lipgloss. I read about them on a few of my favorite blogs as well as have a friend that uses them religiously. I didn't realize how cheap they were until I saw one in the checkout line at Wal-Mart on Saturday. $2.96 will get you this awesome little round gloss that is really fun to open and use. I'm all about sensory luxuries, and this one totally does it for me. I bought the sweet mint flavor and really like it. There are a ton of different flavors out there, and I plan on trying a few more. Possibly to coordinate with my current outfit. Because I'm OCD like that. For example, I painted my nails and toes a kelly green this weekend, and I have been coordinating my outfits to match accordingly since then. I know, I'm insane. But I'm okay with it. Sometimes crazy can be fun! Just ask the voices in my head! Just kidding, I don't hear voices. ANYWAY...have a great week!
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