Wednesday, September 26, 2012

So, I can't find my camera cord...

Well, hello!  It's been awhile!  What have you been up to?  Me, I've been ridiculously busy.  You want pictures, you say?  Well, tough!  In the madness that has been my life for the past month, I have somehow managed to lose my camera's USB cord.  I have some pictures, but they are all from my phone and of low quality.  That will have to do for now.  So let me fill you in on what's been going on....  Since I last wrote, Mary has gotten married, UK football has started, my fantasy team is in the top half of my league, and I started back at UK to get a second undergraduate degree in accounting.  So, needless to say, I've been swamped.

Let's start with Mary's wedding.  To sum it up, we laughed, cried and partied our tail ends off!  I have never seen Mary look so beautiful and fixing her dress before her walk down the aisle was one of the more special moments of my life.  I wish I could upload my pictures from the reception, because there are some great ones!  It's a miracle I actually have my camera after that night, seeing as I left it at the reception and didn't realize it until later in the wee hours of the morning.  Let me just go ahead and thank the wonderful Lexington Country Club staff for finding it and keeping it safe until Sunday morning.

Next, football.  Football is my favorite sport of all time and the reason that fall is my all time favorite season.  We started this tailgating season out with a bang!  For the first tailgate I made turkey chili and cornbread for the game.  We had tons of other food, not to mention cupcakes for Courtney's 31st birthday!  They were super cute, until the Tupperware turned over in the car on the way there and they all got smeared.  Whatever, they still tasted delicious.  Although, the Cats are having a horrible season, we still all get out there to eat, have a few beers, and root on our favorite team.  This year we have a new addition to our tailgate crew, my friend Rachel's sweet 3 (almost 4!) month old son, Tripp!  He might be the cutest thing I've ever seen, and having him around for tailgates is awesome!  He's such a good baby!

Continuing with all things football, my fantasy team is actually pretty decent this year.  I'm crossing my fingers that I make it to the playoffs with no more injuries this season.  Either way, it's fun to play and it gives me an excuse to watch football all day on Sunday instead of studying.

Studying...let's address that really quick.  I am NOT used to have to do school work anymore.  It has been a huge adjustment going to class, being on campus, and having to study on a regular basis.  First of all, I am almost as old as one of my teachers.  Then to add to my feelings of old age, one of my classmates called me ma'am.  Man, was that a hit to the ego!  But I'm enjoying learning new things and having a different routine twice a week.  As for the studying, that one has been tricky to figure out. Not only am I not used to coming home from work and having to do work instead of whatever I feel like, I've forgotten how to study at all!  My first round of test were these past two weeks, and I didn't do as well as I would have hoped.  At least now I know what kind of time commitment I need to set aside for school work and I know my next set of tests will go much better.  And, hey, it's not like I'm doing badly, I'm just not acing everything.

So, without further ado, here are some terrible pictures from the iPhone of what's been going on the last month or so.  Hope you enjoy!

I'm redecorating the office (very slowly) and this was my very first DIY project from that process.  I painted my old shelves that have been in my life since childhood a very light mint color.  The color scheme for the office is grey, mint and yellow.  It should look pretty good when I get finished, but it's going to be awhile.  It's gotten put on the back burner since school started.

Late night drives with the roomie in the convertible.  The weather was absolutely perfect for a few weeks towards the end of August, and since Sexy Lexi (my dad's Lexus SC430) is getting ready to be relocated to his house in Florida, I borrowed it so I could spend some quality time with the top down.

Sunday Funday with my girl Alison at one of our college haunts, Two Keys.  I'm not going to lie, I felt like it had been about a million years since I'd had a beer there!

My first two tomatoes from my experiment in vegetable gardening!  I didn't ever get around to eating them, so who knows how they really turned out...

Happy birthday, Johnny D!  Courtney threw a great surprise 40th birthday party for her husband a few weekends ago!  We had an absolute blast and the birthday boy was definitely surprised!

Yes, those are break and bake cookies.  Don't judge me.  I hate baking.  Please note that there are nine missing.  That is because my rotten dog decided to help himself to a few when I hopped in the shower while the oven was preheating.  I should have known better than to leave them out.  Bad dog.

First fire of the fall season!  Nothing better than the smell of a fire pit on a cool fall evening.  Add a glass of red, and you've got the making for a perfect night!

Well, that's all she wrote, folks.  Until next time, have a great rest of the week and go Cats!

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